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Summer Time Fun for Out of School Children!!

There are 4 more weeks of school left and pretty soon you will have a full house of school age children looking for something to do.

Click on this website for extra tips and direction.

Here are some suggestions to get you started:

1. Act out a story.

a. Choose a book (or topic) the children are currently interested in.

b. You will need a Director, Producer, Costume Designer, Script Writer, Actors, Set Designer, etc.

-Allow children to choose which role they would like to play

-If more than one children are interested in the same role, they may share the role or

Pick name out of a hat

c. Allow children to take control of the project while staff facilitate.

d. Request parent donations for specific items required for costumes or for the set.

e. Think out of the box and have fun!

2. Create a city with recycled material.

a. Some children may be interested in drawing up plans for the city (Engineers)

b. Paint boxes, tubes, etc for buildings

c. Gather natural material for trees and foliage

d. Encourage children to come up with their own ideas. They may not want it to be realistic but science fiction.

3. Design and play your own board game

4. Make paper

Supplies: How to Make Paper

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· Window Screen. This sliding window screen is economical and reusable.

· Two Plastic Wash Tubs or similar

· Washcloth/rag/burp cloth/large piece of felt

· Water

· Torn paper from newspaper, tissue paper, magazines, etc. Be sure that it’s staple and tape-free (You can also add grass, dandelions)

· Blender <<This is my favorite economical workhorse machine.

· Small seeds (optional)

Instructions: How to Make Paper

a. Tear the paper into tiny strips, about 2″.

b. Place your window screen on top of one of the plastic tubs

c. Place your window screen on top of one of the plastic tubs

d. Add paper to the blender, cover it with water, and run the blender on a low speed. Since you will squeeze all the water out of the paper pulp, you can’t really have too much water. If the blender doesn’t move easily, add more water.

e. Run the blender a little bit faster until you get the paper mixture into a nice, smooth pulp. Ours is kind of chunky because my kids wanted it that way. Yours can be smoother.

f. Spread the pulp thinly and uniformly across the screen and then layer a cloth diaper or towel on top to absorb the extra water, while also pushing the water through the screen into the tub. Get the kids involved.

g. Place one hand firmly on top of the cloth while you flip the screen over onto a table or countertop that can handle water.

h. Remove the screen and put the cloth with paper pulp in a spot where it can dry, undisturbed, for about a day. The thicker the paper, the longer it will take to dry. (You may cover it with a cloth and iron it with adult supervision)

5. Make Salt Crystal Geode Materials

· salt (table salt, rock salt, Epsom salts, etc.)

· boiling water

· food coloring (for colored crystals)

· eggshell

· small bowl

Make the Geode

A natural geode forms when crystals deposit inside another mineral. Your mineral is the calcium carbonate of an eggshell.

To get the base for the geode, crack open an egg, remove the egg, and keep the shell. Rinse out the shell and let it dry.

Find a small bowl or cup that is bit larger than your eggshell.

Boil enough water to fill the bowl. An easy way to do this is to fill the bowl with water, empty the water into a glass measuring cup, and microwaving the water until it boils.

Make a saturated salt solution. Stir salt into the boiling hot water until no more salt will dissolve. You’ll know you have a saturated solution when a few crystals remain at the bottom of the container. The solubility of salt depends on temperature, so it’s best to use boiling hot water.

If you want colored crystals, add a few drops of food coloring to the solution.

Place the eggshell in your container. Pour the salt solution into the shell. It will overflow the shell, which is fine. Pouring the solution into the shell keeps it from floating.

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