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All workshops are interactive and fun, with an end focus on practical implementation of all learning.


Please note change in prices:  Workshops-up to 10 participants $400.00,  $30.00 each additional participant.

A Child’s Work…The Business of Play  (Program Planning)

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                                


Each Educator will:

  1. Be aware of the benefits of partnerships with and collecting children’s information from a variety of sources

  2. Learn about providing inspiring, developmentally appropriate environments (indoors and outdoors) which contribute to maximum play and learning potential.

  3. Understand and maintain the educator’s role in supporting children with play and learning

  4. Be aware of children’s dispositions to learn

  5. Will know the benefits of reflective practice

Brain Development in Early Childhood      

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


Don’t think this workshop can be interactive and fun?  Well it’s a blast!

Through team work and play, you will learn to: 


  1. Identify the architecture of the brain, major functions, and the process of brain development in early childhood

  2. Differentiate between factors that promote or interfere with healthy early brain development

  3. Analyze the developmental range of executive functioning and self-regulation in children

  4. Evaluate the impact of early life adversity on physical, emotional, social, and cognitive well-being in later life.

  5. Determine how current research can be put into practice in services for children, families, and communities.

Building a Synergetic Team  I and II                               

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs  each                        Cost: $400.00 each


The objective of this teambuilding workshop is to help develop a shared vision/understanding for a high performing team, determining the critical elements and individual contributions that comprise this vision, and guiding plans or agreements to realize this vision. It will also promote practice on key skills needed to address the inevitable challenges that arise in teams, notably, appreciating individual differences, communicating collaboratively, and managing conflict. 

Challenging Behaviours                               

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


What is challenging behaviour?  What may be challenging for one, may not for another.  Behavioural problems are too often misunderstood and can lead to stressful situations for both child and educator.

This course explains how parents, educators, and others who care for children can help to make positive changes through knowledge, change in mindset and the implementation of effective strategies and techniques.

This workshop provides a good opportunity for self reflection and identifying our “button pushers”. 

Documentation in Early Learning and Care   

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


a. What to consider:

            -Gaining insight into children’s thinking, knowledge 

              and development                 

            -Help generate new ideas, learning and discoveries

            -Assess development and learning

            -Share and discuss with parents  

b. Forms of documentation

Emergent Curriculum-The Basics                                    

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


This is a high energy and highly interactive workshop.  Participants will engage in reflection,

group discussions and small group activities.


Each educator will:


  1. understand what is meant by “emergent curriculum.”

  2. learn the Circle of Inquiry and how it can be used to plan emergent curriculum.

  3. build experiences and classroom environments using the Circle of Inquiry.

Finding Questions Worth Asking                                                         Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                        


We don’t want to teach children what to learn, we want to teach children how to think!  Only then will children learn the magic of discovery, leading to a life time of learning.

Each Educator will:

  1. Describe differences between “teaching for learning” and “teaching for thinking.”

  2. Explore ways to cultivate an “investigative attitude” in children.

  3. Learn and put into practice the 5 steps to create conversations that lead to thinking

How Learning Happens                                                                        

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                        


Each Educator will:

  1. Describe differences between “teaching for learning” and “teaching for thinking.”

  2. Explore ways to cultivate an investigative attitude in children.

  3. Develop a greater understanding of children as competent learners;

  4. Learn about the importance of relationships and early learning environment; and

  5. Leave inspired with new ideas and an understanding of why they are important

Image Resolution- Positive Interactions                           

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


The workshop includes an examination of attitudes, values, and skills within a holistic approach to support social and emotional development. Opportunities for examining the dynamics of behavior are provided. Educators will also discuss various strategies to support the development of social and emotional skills and pro-social behaviour.

Impact of Authority-Interactions and Child Guidance             

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


This workshop provides an understanding of children's behaviour in a developmental context, and the importance of realistic expectations of children in various stages. The social development of the young child will be examined in the context of positive guidance to support self-regulation. Appropriate strategies to help children to develop positive self-esteem and develop appropriate behaviour will be discussed. The prevention of behaviour problems through developmentally appropriate practices and interventions will be emphasized.

Inclusive Child Care                                                              

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


Each Educator will:

  1. Know and understand the definition of Inclusive Childcare

  2. Self reflect on personal attitudes and beliefs

  3. Identify the core competencies required to deliver an inclusive childcare programs

  4. Develop practical, applicable skills that support the inclusion of all children

  5. Program plan for successful inclusion

Responsive Environments                                                  

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


Each Educator will:

  1. Have the knowledge to create and environment which elicits a calm, controlled environment

  2. Provide interest areas which facilitates children ability to remaining focused and supports children’s learning

  3. Provide an environment that encourages children’s autonomy and independence.

  4. Ensure the environment meets children’s needs.

  5. Offer a setting which decreases challenging behaviours.

Responsive Environments                                                  

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


Each Educator will:

  1. Have the knowledge to create and environment which elicits a calm, controlled environment

  2. Provide interest areas which facilitates children ability to remaining focused and supports children’s learning

  3. Provide an environment that encourages children’s autonomy and independence.

  4. Ensure the environment meets children’s needs.

  5. Offer a setting which decreases challenging behaviours.

Terrific Transitions                                                               

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs                            


We know transitions can be chaotic for us and for children.  This workshop will assist you in creating strategies tailored specifically for your rooms, your children.  No more anxiety when moving from one activity to another, making the rest of the day so much calmer.

Course Review:

  1. Definition

  2. Types of transitions

  3. Developmentally appropriate practice

  4. Identifying transition times

  5. How many is too many?

  6. Independence vs herding

  7. Developing strategies

The Great Outdoors-Keeping Outdoor Play Interesting      

Duration: 2 – 3 hrs             


Any classroom can be an outdoor classroom. This workshop will focus on how to extend curriculum outdoors to children of all ages in the winter and summer, designing outdoor play spaces and how to include nature in play.   Participants will have an opportunity to try a variety of hands-on activities that they can take back to their classrooms.

*Please note:  If you don’t see a workshop you are interested in, please let me know and I would be happy to develop it.

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